Monday, March 22, 2010

The Education Department

This week I am continuing my orientation. This morning I meet up with Stanley Jumbe in the education department of Pangani. I had the opportunity to watch him teach levels 4 & 5 in math, science & Kiswahili. As a guest the students would greet me as I walked through their door. In unison the entire class would say, "Welcome to our classroom, we are so glad you came to visit us, how are you doing today?" and I would respond by saying "I am fine, how are you?" they would then answer and I would tell them my name is Brandon and they would say "Hello Brandon!"

I was amazed at how fast they were comprehending the new material that Stanley was teaching. They are all very smart kids and has a thirst for learning. At the end of each subject the teacher would "mark" the answers to the problems that students had completed in there workbooks. I took that time to walk around the room to talk with the students and answer any questions that they had for me. Some of the questions were quite intriguing/funny. Below is a list of my favorite questions:
  • Who was the first US president? ...Was it George Bush?
  • Are you married?
  • Are you going to get married soon?
  • Who was the second US president? ...Was it Obama?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • How long did it take you to get from Maryland to Kenya?
  • How much did it cost to fly here from the US?
  • Can you drive a car from Maryland to Nairobi?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • How long are you going to be in Kenya?
Kenyan children are just so precious. You never know what questions they are going to ask you.


Unknown said...

Hey Brandon,

Thanks for the updates, I am glad to hear that all is going well! Miss you buddy!

Anonymous said...

Is it considered driving if "In just a few seconds the driver is planing at a speed of forty miles per hour"?
... transition from road vehicle to High Speed Amphibian ...
Can you drive a car from Maryland to Nairobi?