Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Today my family and I had an agonizing long trip to have a thanksgiving meal with the extended family at my grandparents house 300 feet away. It was so nice to be able to take time out of our busy lives to get together and hang with the family and eat GREAT food. I would also like express how thankful I am for my supporters. If it wasn't for you my apprenticeship in Kenya would not be possible. Thank you so much and may god bless you for your heart for supporting missions and the work God is doing in Kenya.

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer
Lord, so often times, as any other day. When we sit down to our meal and pray. We hurry along and make fast the blessing. Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing. We're slaves to the olfactory overload. We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold. But Lord, I'd like to take a few minute more. To really give thanks to what I'm thankful for. For my family, my health, a nice soft bed. My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head. I'm thankful right now to be surrounded by those. Whose lives touch me more than they'll ever possibly know. Thankful Lord, that You've blessed me beyond measure. Thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure. That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place. And I'm ever so grateful for Your unending grace. So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You've provided. And bless each and every person invited. Amen! 
--Scott Wesemann

Monday, October 26, 2009

While on my Kenya trip in 2008 our team visited the class rooms of several Mission of Hope Schools. One of the classes chalk board had a song written on it that the class was learning. I remember thinking how powerful the lyrics were to this song when they were singing it for us. I snapped a quick photo of the chalk board so I would remember the lyrics when I returned home.

"One Day At A Time"
I'm only human, am just a child
help me believe in what I could be and all that I am,
Show me the stair way I have to climb,
Lord, for my sake teach me to take one day at a time

One day at a time, sweet Jesus, 
thats all am asking from you, 
just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
Yesterday is gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow 
may never be mine Lord help me today, 
show me the way, one day at a time

Do you remember, when you walked among men,
well Jesus you know if you're looking below it's worse now than then.
Pushing and shouting, Lord in my mind, so for my sake,
teach me to take, one day at a time

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My support letters were send out this week. I am praying that God will lead your prayers and will guide your steps on how you can support me. I truly appreciate every dollar and/or prayer on my behalf. May God bless you and your family.

This week I was working on a slideshow for Mountain's India Missions Trip celebration this Sunday and they used an awesome video by Indian pastor K.P. Yohannan that the team watched as a devotion while on there mission trip. I would like to share this very powerful video will you.

If this video pulled at your heart strings and you feel moved to share your thoughts/feeling with us please click on the comment button. I would love to hear from you.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Interesting Facts and Quotes

FACT: One billion people live in "slums" where they lack basic necessities of life.

"He who is kind to the poor leads to the Lord."
- Proverbs 19:17

FACT: Only 2.5 percent of water on the Earth is fresh and two-thirds of that is frozen.

"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."
- Benjamin Franklin

FACT: Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of malaria.

"We poor people are invisible to others - just as the blind cannot see, they cannot se us." 
- Poor person in Pakistan (Voices of the Poor)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Apprenticeship in Kenya

I hope this post finds you and your family doing well. Things are going great for me right now. As you know, I was blessed in August of 2008 to have the opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in Kenya on a missions trip. After coming home, I returned to work at Mountain Christian Church as one of their full-time graphic designers, continued leading my 6th grade boys’ small group, and helped with the student ministries tech team, but I kept finding myself being called back to Kenya.

I am pleased to say that I have been given the opportunity to serve with Christian Missionary Fellowship ( as an apprentice in Nairobi, Kenya, from March 11 through May 13, 2010. I will be working alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ at the Mission of Hope International Schools in Nairobi. Specifically, I will be working with the teachers and students in 10 different schools taking photos, videos, and maybe even teaching some art classes. One of my many tasks will be to take updated photos of all the children so their sponsors can have an updated photograph of their child. As you can probably guess, I am very excited about this opportunity and can’t wait to see how God will use me as an apprentice to the missionaries in Kenya.

As fellow believers, we are all part of God’s provision for each other. You have all been so supportive of me throughout my life and I cannot tell you how thankful I am. I would like to ask you to help me in meeting this newest challenge. My greatest need is for your support through prayer. Please consider being a part of a team that will commit to praying for the people of Kenya, the missionaries, the teachers in the schools, and myself throughout the preparation process and duration of my apprenticeship. I’m also asking that if you find yourself able to, please consider financially supporting this work. The total of my preliminary and field expenses for two months is $5,105, needed by February 26. This will cover everything from immunizations and travel, to meals, lodging, and field projects. If you decide to help support this ministry financially, you can email me at with your full name and mailing address
and I would be happy to send you a support letter in the mail.

I feel honored to be able to return to Kenya, and I look forward to sharing in this God-given opportunity with you. If you have any questions or if you would like more information, you can contact me by email at Please to check back often to view new posts and to leave me comments.

I am so thankful for your support in whatever form it may be. We are all called to love and care for one another and this is a chance to do just that for the people of Kenya. God calls all his children to be his hands and feet. Therefore, here I am!